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How to Make New Friends at Co-Living Spaces:
Forging new friendships at a co-living space is like adding extra seasoning to your stay, spicing up your experience and creating unforgettable memories that will leave you with a nostalgic smile. Making friends can contribute to your overall well-being, happiness, personal growth, and social connections. It's a worthwhile investment that can bring immense joy and enrich your life in many meaningful ways. Friends provide comfort, advice, encouragement, emotional support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. Having meaningful connections with others can boost your mood, increase your overall happiness, and help you feel more fulfilled. Through diverse friendships, you can learn and gain new insights, which can broaden your horizons and expand your worldview. Friends can also serve as valuable connections in personal and professional networks, opening doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and career growth. Co-living spaces promote a sense of community by design and provide residents many opportunities for social interactions.

 Here is our insight on how to make new friends at a co-living space

1)Attend community events

Co-living spaces often organize events and activities for residents to socialise and connect. Community events hosted by co-living spaces can help residents make new friends by providing opportunities for shared interests, socialising, community building, inclusivity, and regular interactions. Attend these events, such as game nights, movie nights, or communal dinners, and actively participate. Through these socialising opportunities, residents can get to know each other better, find common ground, and build friendships. Residents who have similar interests can come together, bond over their common hobbies or activities, and form friendships based on shared passions. Many co-living spaces encourage residents to participate in planning community events. Join event planning committees or volunteer to help organise an event. Collaborating with others will give you an opportunity to work closely with fellow residents and build friendships through teamwork.

2)Utilise shared spaces

Co-living spaces typically have shared spaces, such as lounges, and co-working areas. Instead wondering how to make friends and plotting elaborate schemes, Spend time in these shared spaces and don't be shy! Take the initiative to strike up conversations with fellow residents during community events. Ask questions, share your interests, and listen attentively to others. Engage in meaningful conversations to get to know each other better. Common spaces are often conducive to impromptu activities, such as a board game, a movie night, or a casual conversation. Initiate or join in on these impromptu activities when you see them happening. It's a great way to bond with other residents and make spontaneous connections.

3) Be approachable

Smile, be friendly, and approachable. Avoid being too shy or reserved, as it may make it harder for others to approach you. Create an inclusive and welcoming environment by being friendly, approachable, and inclusive. Avoid cliques or exclusive groups and make an effort to include new residents or those who may be shy or introverted. Show genuine interest in others and be open to conversations. Make an effort to include others in conversations or activities, especially newcomers. Make yourself approachable by wearing your beliefs on your sleeves, or better yet, on your chest! Don a jersey of your beloved sports team or rock cute badges that show off your interests. You gotta represent!! Fellow fans are sure to come flocking to chat with you in no time.

4) Join online communities

Many co-living spaces have online forums or social media groups where residents can connect and interact. Join these communities and participate in discussions. You can also post about your interests or hobbies and see if there are other residents who share similar interests. Share your funniest memes, your most insightful quotes, some mind boggling news articles or some mind bending riddles and spark up exciting conversations. Especially if you are a woman co-living in remote locations like a pg in Lohegaon or a girls pg in Tathawade and you’re feeling too lazy or unsafe to travel at any hour, online communities can bring just the perfect distant type of socialisation right to the comfort and safety of your room.

5) Offer to help

If you notice someone needing help or assistance, offer to lend a hand. It could be helping with moving furniture, or organising a community event or even carrying some things somewhere. If you’ve been struggling with how to make new friends for a long time, start trying to help people around you and watch how easy it is to make new connections. Offering to help someone demonstrates kindness and empathy, which are fundamental qualities in building relationships. This can create a positive impression and make the other person feel valued and appreciated. It is a great ice-breaker and can create opportunities for deeper conversations and friendships. It also creates a sense of reciprocity, as it sets a positive tone for mutual support and assistance. The person you helped is likely to feel grateful and appreciative, and may be more inclined to reciprocate in the future or express gratitude towards you. This can create a cycle of kindness and gratitude that strengthens the bond between friends.

6) Respect others' privacy

 While co-living spaces promote community living, it's important to respect others' privacy and boundaries. Co-living spaces often have residents from diverse backgrounds with different preferences and lifestyles. It's important to be considerate of others' preferences and respect their choices. For example, if someone prefers to keep their door closed or spends time alone, respect their need for privacy and avoid unnecessary intrusion. Avoid snooping or prying into others' personal belongings, whether it's in their room or in common areas. Respect their personal property and privacy by refraining from going through their belongings or intruding into their private spaces without permission. It's important to respect quiet hours and avoid making excessive noise in common areas or near others' rooms during these times. Everyone has different comfort levels when it comes to personal space and physical touch. Always ask for permission before hugging, touching, or invading someone's personal space, and respect their response.

7) Initiate one-on-one hangouts

 If you feel a connection with someone, don't hesitate to initiate one-on-one hangouts. Don't wait for others to initiate hangouts with you. Take the initiative and invite someone you feel a connection with to spend time together. This shows that you are genuinely interested in building a friendship and are willing to take the first step. You can suggest grabbing coffee, going for a walk, or doing an activity together. Building one-on-one connections can help deepen friendships. When initiating one-on-one hangouts, be mindful of others' preferences and schedules. Respect their availability and interests, and be flexible in finding a time and activity that works for both of you. Avoid imposing your own preferences or making others feel obligated to participate in an activity they are not comfortable with. If someone declines your invitation or seems uninterested, be gracious and respect their decision. Don't get discouraged if not every hangout leads to an instant friendship. Keep making genuine efforts to connect with others, and be consistent in your approach. Building meaningful friendships often requires consistency and investment from both parties. The most important thing to remember when it comes to how to make new friends is that building friendships takes time and effort, so be patient and persistent. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and be proactive in reaching out to others. With an open and friendly attitude, you can create meaningful friendships at your co-living space. FAQ:

  • Give me a TLDR on how to make new friends?

To make new friends in a co-living space: Attend community events, utilize shared spaces, be approachable and inclusive, join online communities, offer to help, and respect others' privacy. Engage in meaningful conversations, show genuine interest in others, and be friendly. Participate in activities, initiate conversations, and offer assistance. Respect others' boundaries and be considerate of their privacy.

  • What are some phrases I can use to tell someone that I am interested in getting to know them better?

Here are some phrases you can use to express your interest in getting to know someone better:

  1. "I really enjoyed our conversation and would love to continue getting to know you better."
  2. "You seem like a fascinating person, and I'd love to learn more about your interests and experiences."
  3. "I find your perspective on things very intriguing, and I'd love to explore it further with you."
  4. "I'd be interested in hearing more about your thoughts and opinions on [topic of mutual interest]."
  5. "I'm genuinely interested in getting to know you better as a person and building a deeper connection."
  6. "I've enjoyed our interactions so far, and I'm looking forward to spending more time with you and getting to know you on a deeper level."

Remember to be sincere and respectful in your approach, and be open to reciprocating the interest if the other person shows interest as well. Communication and mutual respect are key in building meaningful connections with others.

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