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Reasons To Skip Traditional Hostels In Mumbai
As a student, there is an ever-present dilemma of picking between a traditional college hostel or going the unconventional route of staying in student housing outside the college. However, the former is seldom present as a choice because of the selective availability of rooms. This is especially true for colleges in metropolitan cities including Mumbai which sees a large influx of students from different states every year. Not all students are allotted a space in the college hostels and the ones who do get it, are only allowed to stay for a short period.

So where do you as a student go if you do not get college accommodation? The answer is pretty simple and rather exciting. The alternatives to college hostels are now defined by the new-age co-living spaces which are usually single PG rooms in Mumbai. These student housing options including ours offer you several amenities and flexibility that are usually amiss in traditional college hostels. 

Besides these reasons, there are several other factors which are steadily making college traditional hostels a secondary choice for students in Mumbai. Read on to know what some of these are. 


Substandard Facilities

It is no secret that college hostels in Mumbai and the rest of the country offers their students the bare minimum. Amenities such as home-style food, laundry, WiFi, clean washrooms housekeeping and fully furnished rooms are present in only a limited capacity for students to take advantage of. However, these facilities should be the norm rather than the exception for students who move out of their homes and shift to these places.

Strict Rules 

Curfew times, availability of meals only for specific hours and restricted visitor time are just some of the many strict rules that bound students living in college hostels. While hard work and giving ample time to study are prerequisites for college students, it does not mean that you should not have your share of fun every once in a while. This balance is often missing for students living in college dormitories. 

Reduced Privacy 

Not all college hostels give you the option of staying alone in a room. Moreover, sometimes you also don’t have the option to pick your roommate which leads to the invasion of your privacy big time. As a college student, your privacy is sure to be a priority however, living in a hostel might require you to give it up.

Bad Quality Food 

Runny daal, undercooked rice, and dishes with more curry and fewer vegetables are relatively common occurrences in hostels. This often leads you to order from outside which not only is the first step to an unhealthy lifestyle but also hurts your pockets in the long run.

Less Security 

The concept of security is yet to evolve in college hostels in Mumbai. While the common security and safety of students involve the presence of guards, rooms still operate with outdated locks that are easy to break into and therefore the attempts at thefts are rather high. 

That being said, not all is bad at traditional college hostels if you do get a chance to stay in one. They save you transportation costs and you get the chance to wake up late yet in time for classes. You also get the opportunity to interact with your seniors and juniors, so while picking the best accommodation option weigh the pros and cons.

The Solution – Co-living Accommodation

The best alternative to traditional hostels in Mumbai has emerged in the form of co-living student housing such as ours. At your-space, student room PG in South Mumbai along with other PGs are designed keeping in mind the necessities that you as a student might require. Some perks of picking our PGs in Mumbai include: 

    #   Top-notch amenities include home-style meals, daily housekeeping, laundry facilities, a gym and recreation spaces. 

    #   The presence of enhanced security measures that include biometric scanners, 24x7 CCTV surveillance and presence security guards. 

    #    Flexibility in terms of lease agreements and other factors such as curfews timings. 

    #    Networking opportunities through regular events that take place as icebreaker activities for residents of a particular student house. 

    #    Fully furnished rooms and the ability to choose your roommate so that you can revel in comfort and at the same time enjoy your privacy. 

Not to toot our own horn, but the alternative to college hostels is way more tempting any day and if you wish to stay in the best PG in Chunabhatti Mumbai or any other location in the city, just give us a call at +91 8447707093!

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