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How Co-living is Redefining ‘Home Away from Home’ Concept
For the millennials, co-living is becoming an increasingly lucrative and mainstream form of living in a new city. Right from young working professionals to students, people are looking at more than just an ideal location and leaning more towards the amenities being offered by the co-living spaces. Understanding the requirements of such people, Your-Space ensures a seamless and hassle-free move, is affordable and offers multiple amenities that make the initial shift and life in the long run easy.

Co-living spaces such as ours, offer millennials and professionals an avenue to network while making the shift problem-free and affordable. This type of rental experience is replacing the traditional forms of renting or living in a hostel. From unisex PGs in Pune to PG accommodation for girls in Pune and boys’ PGs in Pune, co-living spaces offer multiple options for people to choose the kind of setting they are most comfortable in.

Post the pandemic and for years preceding it, the way one worked and studied had started to become more mobile and flexible. The demand for a fully maintained, fully equipped, internet-ready kind of accommodation was increasingly growing. Co-living spaces such as Your-Space guarantee safety, comfort, and health while providing a sense of community. These are affordable options that people end up choosing for long periods due to the comfort and ‘home away from home feeling that they give.

Here is how co-living is redefining the ‘Home Away from Home’ concept:

Technology Adoption for Convenience and Safety

Things like CCTV installation, 24X7 concierge services, on-call caretakers, round-the-clock guards, and going a few steps ahead with biometric and facial recognition, engrain a sense of security and ensure that one sleeps soundly every night.

Freedom and Increased Flexibility

Most co-living spaces are getting rid of lock-in periods and other binding terms and conditions that tend to hold people back despite their requirements. When you choose co-living, you no longer need to stress about the three to six-month-long lock-in period. People don’t have rigid plans, some go for higher studies, some want to move into houses of their own. Co-living spaces understand these common trends and have become more flexible in their dealings.

Affordability and Stability

Though co-living spaces offer flexibility to move out as you like, they also promote adopting a more permanent lifestyle. This is one of the key tangible benefits of co-living settings.

Not only are co-living facilities affordable and help save money but they make one more environmentally conscious through shared resources. At a co-living facility, you pay a fixed amount to the company which includes all the costs from rent to amenities to electricity, to furnishing, and more. This process is way more hassle-free and there are no unexpected expenses thrown at you at the end of every month.

Suitable For all Demographics

The one myth that co-living spaces bust is that it is only for millennials. Everything functions so smoothly that no matter the stage of life you are in, this is an ideal home away from home. One can find co-living spaces across the country be it urban or rural areas, redefining the idea of ‘home’ with proper meals, security, flexibility and stability.

Your co-living residents will be from all spheres of life and part of different demographics. Though the majority are professionals and students, these days, such spaces are being selected by all due to all the benefits they offer. The lifestyle at such places is sustainable. It encourages sharing of resources and offers an affordable, exciting, and community-focused lifestyle to all.

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Note: Images shown are for representational purposes only. Amenities depicted may or may not form a part of that individual property.